You will have to deal with CORS – Cross-Origin Resource Sharing – if you develop Node.js Apps locally and want to access local microservices, for example an API service. To avoid CORS issues, you can configure your Apache.
Continue reading “CORS: How to configure Apache while developing Node.js Apps?”SAPUI5: Consider proxy in Mock Server Configuration
If you use a proxy server for your local SAPUI5 development, then do not forget to adjust the rootURI of the mock server configuration as well. The rootURI of the mock server configuration must be exact the same as the data source uri of the manifest.json.
Continue reading “SAPUI5: Consider proxy in Mock Server Configuration”CORS: Proxy server for remote OData Service in local SAPUI5 Dev
A proxy server is needed if you want to develop SAPUI5 Apps locally, e.g. in Visual Studio Code, and access a remote OData Service like Northwind OData Service. A node.js server adds CORS headers to the requests which come from a local running app.
Continue reading “CORS: Proxy server for remote OData Service in local SAPUI5 Dev”VirtualBox: How to fix screen flickering on Ubuntu 20.04
Screen flickering and multiple keyboard input events are very annoying. I have solved both issues on Ubuntu 20.04 that is running as guest virtual machine in VirtualBox 6.1 on macOS Big Sur 11.1.
Continue reading “VirtualBox: How to fix screen flickering on Ubuntu 20.04”abapGit: PREFIX Error on the SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment
“PREFIX: Unexpected package naming (…) you might switch to FULL folder logic”. This error occurred when I was trying to push a package with sub packages via abapGit from the SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment (SCP) to GitHub.
Continue reading “abapGit: PREFIX Error on the SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment”Ubuntu: How to install SapMachine, Eclipse with ADT, abapGit, and SAP GUI for Java
One development tool for SAP ABAP developers is Eclipse with plugins like the ABAP Development Tools (ADT) and the belonging abapGit. This blog post gives an overview how you set your ABAP development environment up on Ubuntu 20.04 to connect to SAP On-premise and/or Cloud Platform.
Continue reading “Ubuntu: How to install SapMachine, Eclipse with ADT, abapGit, and SAP GUI for Java”VirtualBox: How to solve the issue with low disk space
“Low Disk Space on Filesystem root” – this message turned up on my virtual machine of Ubuntu 20.04 that runs in VirtualBox 6.1 on Windows 10 host. This blog post contains a step-by-step guide how you can solve the issue with low disk space.
Continue reading “VirtualBox: How to solve the issue with low disk space”How to solve Wi-Fi issues
Lots of devices use Wi-Fi to connect to the internet, and that is very convenient as long as the connection is stable. Unfortunately, sometimes the Wi-Fi connection does not work or only works partially. In this case, it is good to know how to solve the Wi-Fi connection issues quickly.
Continue reading “How to solve Wi-Fi issues”Java: How to approximate Pi with the Monte Carlo simulation
You can approximate the mathematical constant Pi with a Monte Carlo simulation which is a method based on lots of random experiments that allows to make statements about the simulated objects. [1]
Continue reading “Java: How to approximate Pi with the Monte Carlo simulation”Set up a basic development system
As a career changer I had hardly any experience with setting up basic development systems, and that is the reason, why I understand the huge challenge which programming newbies often have. I want to explain which basic development system I use and why.